Article originally published January 29, 2021.

你知道吗. 22 was National 心 Valve Disease Awareness Day? 每年, the day aims to increase the recognition of symptoms associated with structural heart disease and encourage early detection and intervention to save and improve the lives of those affected.

Read on to learn more about how 融合’s commitment to treating heart valve disease can improve the lives of patients right here in our community.

Last summer, David Mast noticed that he had less energy than he used to. 修剪草坪, 这是他曾经喜欢的工作, 已经成为一种负担, and the lengthy walk to the end of the driveway and back wasn’t quite as easy as it used to be. “I was just extremely tired,” David explained. “I would be doing something, and then all at once it would be time to stop and rest.”

起初, 大卫和他的妻子, 朱迪, attributed his fatigue to the fact that David was getting older – but a visit to Dr. Michael Reinig of 费尔菲尔德医疗保健专业人员 Cardiology soon proved otherwise. David was suffering from aortic stenosis, a disease characterized by the narrowing or stiffening of the aortic heart valve. While many patients with aortic stenosis report a variety of symptoms, including moderate to severe shortness of breath, 头晕, 胸痛或压力, heart palpitations and even symptoms of heart failure, like rapid weight gain and swelling of the feet, 腿部或腹部, David exhibited none of these: he was simply worn out.

在接受诊断后, 澳门新葡新京’s Structural 心 Team worked quickly to identify a treatment plan. 最终, it was determined that David was a candidate for 融合’s new, minimally invasive procedure known as TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement): a solution that would allow David to receive a functioning heart valve without undergoing open-heart surgery. “They explained everything completely, and they made sure I was comfortable,” David shared. “I could not have had better care, during or after surgery.”

“They were really great,” 朱迪 added of David’s care team, which included Drs. Jason Weingart, John Lazarus, and nurse practitioner Abby Grubb. “他们都对我们很好. And during recovery in the surgical ICU, 他的护士特蕾莎·沃顿, RN, 知识渊博, 细心善良,这对夫妇同意了.

自从接受TAVR以来, David has noticed a big difference in his energy level, and he’s looking forward to getting back to the active lifestyle he once enjoyed. “Our community has been blessed with our hospital. The staff at 澳门新葡新京 is top-notch, and I have the highest respect for what they’ve done for me.”

If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be suffering from structural heart disease, speak with your provider about a referral to the 心脏结构计划.


主动脉瓣狭窄, which is caused by a narrowing of the aortic heart valve, is one of the most common – and most serious – forms of structural heart disease. The condition often develops in healthy individuals as a result of the normal aging process, typically in those 60 years and older. 有风湿热病史, 先天性心脏缺陷, 高血压, 肾脏疾病, diabetes or high cholesterol may contribute to an increased risk for valve disease.


  • Moderate to severe shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or feeling very tired with little to no activity
  • 头晕或昏厥
  • 胸痛或压力
  • 心 palpitations, or feeling as though your heart is beating too fast, too slow or skipping beats
  • Symptoms of heart failure, like rapid weight gain and swelling of the feet, 腿部或腹部

If left untreated, aortic stenosis can be debilitating and even fatal.

“This [TAVR] procedure is truly lifesaving,” interventional cardiologist Dr. Jason Weingart分享道. “It’s such a pleasure to see these patients improve and listen to the stories of all they have done since their procedure – and how much better they felt doing it. 我很高兴能参与其中.”

To learn more about 融合’s 心脏结构计划, 点击这里.




心脏病学(心脏护理), Interventional Cardiology
P. Aryeh Cohen,医学博士
P. Aryeh Cohen,医学博士
Cardiothoracic Surgery, 心 Care, Thoracic Surgery
心脏病学(心脏护理), Interventional Cardiology
Cardiac Electrophysiology, 心脏病学(心脏护理)
心脏病学(心脏护理), Interventional Cardiology